Sunday, February 14, 2010

G2 changes lives...for real!

Its honestly never a good thing when happy hour, turns in to happy hourS. I left work at 3 to go play some super mario bros and drink a beer with my co-worker. well after the week we had, 3 tall beers went down really well and I was so tired that I was feeling pretty good, really quickly. fast forward a few hours and a group of us depart from our respective happy hours and come together for another few hours of liver destruction. and mother effer...that was a bad decision, because two days later, I am STILL hungover...OH MY G2, my body hates me so much.

Seriously, sometimes I wonder when the hell I am going to grow up.... oh and speaking of G2, that "Tiger Juice" is life changing. I was literally on my death bed and my head was in a vice grip and within minutes of my first sip of that grape gatorade, I felt like a new woman. But then, as I begin to think more clearly, I have a flashback to my "episode" on the dance floor. I remember the f-ing Miley Cyrus' party in the USA song coming on and naturally I created my imaginary gun with my fingers and started shooting people as I walked off the dance floor yelling at them for dancing to that little ho-bag. Can we say anger management???

As of right now, I still can't look at liquor without dry heaving and oh my god, my back hurts from trying to rid my stomach of any ounce of liquor yesterday and my throat...definitely going to have throat cancer some day with all the stomach acid that has exited my body heading north.

but seriously do you think I would laugh this hard with my friends if we didn't allow ourselves to have these nights every once in a while? I mean who gets to decide that just because we aren't in college we can't have occasional nights we can barely remember? I work hard and if I am ever able to stomach booze again, I am sure I will have a night like this a couple times a year...but maybe without vodka uhhh, excuse me while I gag.

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