Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Looking for my place in the blogosphere

For well over a year now, I have been wanting to start a blog. There are many reasons I want to join the blog world, for instance, improve my writing skills, document life experiences, track my personal growth, share knowledge and experiences with others. But as I have slowly crept (and crept can be interpreted as the slow movement or as the voyeuristic manner in which I read people's blogs and tweets but rarely comment) I realized that I have watched people share the most unfathomable experiences and tragedies with strangers and friends alike, and find the support they never dreamt they had.

Last April, I sat back and watched, in tears, as a young mom unexpectedly lost her only daughter at 17 months - The Spohrs Are Multiplying - and the world of bloggers rallied in every way possible so that this child's cruel death wouldn't overshadow the impact she had on this earth in such a short time. I still wake up nearly everyday and read her blog, because its a reminder of why I go to work and bust my ass for what some would think, very little money (more on the career later).

I consider myself a very compassionate person. Some that know me well may argue that I am opinionated, and bitchy at times. But I care deeply about the lives of others, I feel physical pain when I see so much of the cruelty and hate in the world. But then I realize that there is so much love, I find a lot of hope in the amazing people who are in this world and I find solace in the kindness shown from one stranger to another. I find myself longing to join this community that exists. I am just a normal, 28-year-old in search of a great career, love, meaning and life and most of all happiness. I didn't have a lot of confidence (and still don't) that I would have a lot of to share with everyone or that I might share too much, hence the title, but I figure it is likely that my blog will never be the “must read” on someone's daily list of blogs to read or maybe even read by anyone for that matter. That being said, I realize that I have a hell of a lot to give to others. If someone is in need and I can help, even by just sending words of encouragement, I know I can do that.

So, I am off on this adventure and I am joining this new world and I can't wait to get to know all of you and work on sharing myself.

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