Tuesday, January 12, 2010

on the wings of love...

yeah right, more like on the verge of trading in your pretty little "rose ceremony" dress for a straight jacket. These women on "The Bachelor - On the Wings of Love" are out of their fucking minds! Believe me, I am not one of those people that gets on my high horse and thinks I am above watching reality television. I will openly admit that my tivo is full of crap like jersey shore, real world and rock of love -I mean how else is a girl supposed to keep up with those kardashians - but the Bachelor is just embarrassing. I am the kind of person that gets easily embarrassed for others, I love watching Friends, but often found myself in physical pain watching Ross. so believe me when I tell you, that I am practically curled up in a ball and shaking while watching this shit.

For the record, I really want to stop watching it, but I am dying to know if Reality Steve is actually privy to as much info as he claims. I suggest you do not read his blog if you don't want to know who is actually "on the wings of love" and headed to the final rose ceremony or if you really want to believe that true love is discovered on this overly produced drama.

I realize that some of the women on the show are there because they aspire to be the next Melissa Rycroft and become an overnight celebrity, dancing with the stars and reporting on GMA...but seriously, that won't happen to you, nor will you win the heart of some short, totally emo pilot. How can these women be saying they already love him and know they belong with him after meeting him for two minutes. And what self-respecting woman goes on national television and cries about getting sent home after being at a cocktail party, not a date, with this guy? I wouldn't even cry on camera for the world to see if my grandma just died.

I am more impressed by Snooki and the Situation on Jersey Shore because they have some confidence, they can fist pump like the best of them, they stand up for themselves, and I am pretty sure they get that this show is for fun...and shit, they are reaping the benefits, little Snooki just got paid $10k for an appearance in Florida and thats a lot better than being sent home in a limo, bawling your eyes out because you were cast to play the desperate single mother on the bachelor and shocker...he didn't want to take on you and your baggage.

But at the end of the day, I feel for my fellow single ladies (even if you give all women a bad reputation), its not easy finding a decent man, and if Jake is your cup of tea, go for it. But I will gladly forfeit the bachelor for a little - 4'9" little - "snookin for love" any day of the week.

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