Saturday, January 9, 2010

talking about myself ain't easy...

I suppose I should tell you about myself....talking about myself really isn't my thing, I would much rather hear about others, so I decided to create a list of random things about Kelly (I apologize for being so cliche):
  1. I am totally freaked out about writing a public blog, especially since I have never considered myself a writer, or kept any sort of journal of my life
  2. I am the middle child - first between my biological sisters and remained in the middle after two step brothers were added. However, I possess very few characteristics of the middle child... I am much more like the bossy first born.
  3. I have a masters in nonprofit management and I'm likely to give you a very nasty look if you say I wasted my money because I will never make money, or if you patronize me by saying how rewarding it must be or how noble I am, thus implying I work for nothing. Yes it is rewarding, but just because its non profit doesn't mean there isn't money to be made, I make a pretty good living that is comparable to my friends in the private sector.
  4. I have terrible taste in movies, rarely like them if they are oscar nominated or critically acclaimed.
  5. I have dog named Henry and I am completely in love with his cute furry face, but sometimes find myself having a very short fuse with him, therefore really questioning my ability to be a mom some day.
  6. I love, love, love dancing - especially spontaneous dance parties in my living room
  7. I live with my hetero life partner (HLP) Bekah - its pretty sick how we finish eachother's sentences, BBM when we go to bed (separate beds) and our parents think that we are really good for eachother. However, my life would be extremely boring without her (refer back to number 6)
  8. I am a horrible procrastinator. Yet somehow I became an event planner which doesn't seem like they would work well together, but I think my lifelong procrastination issue has strengthened my ability to work well under pressure, therefore making me a great event planner.
  9. I am losing my tolerance for people who are completely oblivious to those around them, especially the assholes in the grocery story that block the entire aisle with their cart and their ass.
  10. I have never traveled out of North America and don't even own a passport, but plan to change that very soon.
  11. My biggest regret is not studying abroad while in college when it would have been so easy to see so much of the world
  12. I left the first college I went to after two weeks, not sure why, but still maintain it wasn't because I was homesick. But I have no regrets about it, because I know I ended up where I belong and met my best friends.
  13. I have never told my step dad that I love him, even though he changed my mom and sisters' lives for the better.
  14. Speaking of my sisters, I don't feel I have the typical sister relationship, barely can be in the same room with my younger sister, but really do not know why and wish that it was not that way.
  15. I love music, I can relate almost any song to a specific point and place in my life, but this love causes me to spend way too much money on itunes
I have already run out of things to write about myself thus realizing this blog is going to be a stretch for me, but for me this is about personal growth so I will continue to push myself. I hope someday I look back at this and laugh at myself for being so nervous and most importantly be able to see how I have developed as a writer and a person (uhhh I am already feeling so impatient).

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